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World Doula Week: What IS a Doula?

It's World Doula Week!

Established in 2011, World Doula week kicks off every year on March 22nd because it is the spring equinox, which represents the return of fertility in countless cultures. (source)

World Doula Week is a week to honor, empower, and educate doulas, as well as raise awareness as to the type of work they do and how they elevate the birthing community, as a whole.

What exactly is a Doula?

A doula is a birth professional who provides support before, during, and after birth. Doulas do not place medical professionals, such as midwives and OBs. Instead, they work alongside them to support your pre and postnatal periods by providing emotional and physical support to you and your birthing team.

Doulas are your birth educators, your emotional support along the way, your physical support during birth, your go-to person during this journey into motherhood. Doulas just do it all, and empower you to do so, too.

Want to learn more?

FIT4MOM Tampa Bay is proud to be apart of the Tampa Bay Birth Network! There are many fabulous Doulas in this network and TBBN is celebrating them in a big week with their World Doula Week Virtual Summit. Learn more about finding a doula, becoming a doula, or sharpening your skills as a doula!

PS. Are you a Doula? FIT4MOM is giving you a FREE WEEK! Click here to claim it.

Signup for World Doula Week

Read More: Why Doulas?

5 Reasons to Hire a Birth Doula

Find a TBBN Doula