
Exploring Life & Business with Regina Hord of FIT4MOM Tampa Bay - Voyage Tampa

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Exploring Life & Business with Regina Hord of FIT4MOM Tampa Bay

Today we’d like to introduce you to Regina Hord.

Hi Regina, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.

My name is Regina and I am the owner of FIT4MOM Tampa Bay. For the past nine years my business partner, Andrea Bowe, and I have helped mamas all over Tampa Bay connect with other mamas through fitness. I had my first child while still in college and had no friends with kids that lived nearby. After graduation, the opportunity to purchase the FIT4MOM franchise came up and it was the perfect solution for a job I could involve my little one in, make some mama friends, and generate an income for my family.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?

It definitely has not been easy, but it certainly has been fun. Working with a toddler in tow is not easy and the entrepreneur life is fast paced. There is no clocking in and clocking out, especially when you’re trying to work during nap times while learning something completely new. My biggest challenge, in the beginning, was finding the confidence to sell my services, to get in front of a group and teach a fitness class. and to try to find a work-life balance while also learning how to raise a tiny human simultaneously. I’ll admit, that balance is something I’m still working on to this day, and probably always will. When you love your work, it’s hard to stop doing it! For the confidence part, I can now teach a fitness class and welcome a new mama into Our Village my sleep.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?

FIT4MOM is the nation’s leading company for pre and postnatal health, wellness, and fitness programs for every stage of motherhood. From pregnancy through postpartum and beyond, our fitness and wellness programs help make moms strong in body, mind, and spirit. FIT4MOM was started in San Diego in 2001. I have been the owner of FIT4MOM Tampa Bay since 2012 and do not plan on stopping anytime soon. We are proud to be Tampa Bay’s #1 provider of fitness for moms.

Any big plans?

For the future, we plan to continue to help strengthen our community through fitness. We have brought on new owners in the Tampa Bay area to help achieve this mission! We are proud to say that we have downsized our FIT4MOM franchise by allowing other local mamas to take over some of our locations so that each location has a community leader that lives nearby that can help their community thrive. The future for FIT4MOM Tampa Bay means just focusing on the South Tampa, downtown Tampa, and Heights area of Tampa, while cheering on the owners around Tampa Bay to strengthen their communities alongside us.


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